A month before the move – packing tips and logistics
Creating your own moving checklist is a great idea but to avoid missing critical moving tasks we recommend you to have a printable checklist to check off the completed tasks.
Reserve a moving company for your move as soon as you know you are moving. Pro Movers Inc. can also pack up your house for you.
The pre-move starts by cleaning out closets, the garage and attic.
Host a garage sale or donate your unwanted things to charity.
Arrange to transfer school records.
Get change of address cards from your local post office.
Notify magazines, charge accounts, insurance companies, clubs and all other organizations of your change of address.
If possible, get owner’s manuals for appliances in your new home.
One to two weeks before the move
Make a “survival closet” of things you will need for the final cleanup and include a snack for the last day.
If you decide to pack yourself, label all the moving boxes as you pack. Write the destination room on the top and sides of each moving box to ensure it gets to the right place in your new home.
Schedule disconnects for gas, electric, water and the telephone. Don’t disconnect the phone until after your move. Arrange for refunds that are due, and schedule connections for your new home.
Cancel newspapers, cable TV, security, pest control, cleaning help, lawn maintenance and any other services you receive.